There’ll never again be any excuse or reason for you to
after viewing the following
Our EMMY Award Winning Multimedia and Music Production Staff are standing by to get started on your next big idea!
We hope that by the above DEMO REEL you were able to see of how MOOR Media might be able to best assist you in evolving your imaginative enterprises to fruition.
The above DEMO was created in its entirety by the production staff of MOOR Media for the company USAudio, previously owned by Jonathan Bey ex. rel. Jonathan Smith, the same who is now (after Nationalizing) conducting commerce, producing National Quality Graphics, Music & Multimedia Content from within his privately held 100% Moorish Owned and Operated Enterprises.
A Note From Jonathan Bey
Prior to my formal Nationalizing and creating MOOR-Media I was the founder and CEO of USAudio, Inc. (EMMY Award Winning Pro-audio and Multimedia Productions). With the exception of only two brief audio clips (3-4 seconds) all aspects of the following Multimedia Montague Demo was created and produced by the same talents now working for MOOR-Media. In addition to the creation of original National Quality graphics, film, video and sound production, my expertise and practical real-world experience as a professional in the field of Intellectual Property Law (Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights) as well as Urban, Rural and National Media Promotions has provided you (through me, as your knowledgeable insider) the perfect blend of technical professionalism and creative know-how to keep your budget requirements reasonable, while ensuring top quality as our end result each and every project. If you see something you like or inspires you while reviewing the following demo, feel free to to give us a call so we can talk over your idea and how MOOR-Media may best serve and meet the needs of your new or growing Moorish American Business.
While you’re on the site, do take a moment to click the following link to check out what’s inside
For NEW Entrepreneurs As Well As Those With Preexisting Businesses
Lawful Commerce Is The Life Blood of A Nation
Moors are and have always been creative by nature. In that we are not like others merely emulators, cialis duplicators, prescription replicators nor perpetrators; we Moors are in fact the original creators of all Arts, Sciences, Social, Political, Mathematical, Numerological, Chemical, Agricultural, Grammatical, Philosophical, Astrological and Spiritual matter
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. It’s simply a natural aspect of our Genome to create and prosper by way of the manifestations of our creative intellect. It is UNNATURAL for us not to be anything but self-sufficient! And now that we are reestablishing ourselves and the Renaissance of our New Aquarian Age of Enlightenment, resources such as The Moorish Directory are being established to facilitate your needs and requirements to again compete, succeed and prosper in all endeavors; which of course includes economically. The Moorish Directory is a solid resource to help ensure that you no longer merely survive, but instead thrive and again grow economically prosperous and flourish as our God Allah has always intended and is now manifesting through you as prophesied.
All requests for FREE Advertising Space which is being set aside and dedicated to promoting bushiness owned and operated by members of our (Nationalized) Moorish American community are welcome and should be sent to Remember to provide a good contact PHONE number when sending in your request. In the event that we have any questions regarding your ad prior to publishing we will need to be able to reach you with a great deal of difficulty.
When it comes to your marketing or multimedia production needs, The Moorish Directory has a number of Professional Resources ready at your disposal. In addition to a variety of advertising spaces (print, graphical and multimedia/video slots which we will be making available very soon), The Moorish Directory has teamed up with MOOR Media to assist in ensuring that your Market Placement, High End Graphic and Multimedia needs are handled in a professional manner. MOOR Media also offers full website design and implementation:
The following are but a couple Multimedia Examples to offer insight as to how MOOR Multimedia Productions may be of value to your enterprise or occasion. The first offering was produced for a 2014 Family Reunion Gathering’s opening presentation. All aspects of the following content (even the original sound score/music) were produced at MOOR Multimedia. USAudio, Inc. continues to use MOOR Media’s EMMY Award Winnings Production Services as its exclusive source for High End – National Quality Multimedia Content. And now, you can to. Simply call: (352) 281-3196.
Our EMMY Award Winning Multimedia and Music Production Staff are standing by to get started on your next big idea!
The following screen shot of the Home Page for the MOORISH Music & Multimedia website “” is an active hyperlink which when clicked will provide you an opportunity to visit a very basic and affordable starter website that’s quite affordable and well within range of almost any budget.
If your needs are more elaborate, that’s never an issue!
To get in contact with a representative of MOOR Media or communicate with one of our helpful marketing associates here at to let us know about your new or existing Products, Services or any other entrepreneurial ideas, production and marketing needs or event materials you wish to have publicized or professionally produced or promoted, simply drop us an e-mail or give us a call at (352) 281-3196. All e-mails of this nature should be sent to us at the following address:
We look very much forward to hearing from you and being of assistance in the matter of bringing your dreams into reality.
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DAMAPATI YOGA™ is an entity that understands that desires of any one entity is closely followed by fulfillment preceded by intent, which are the backbones of all activities. With that being said, taking a progressive approach, as related to future demands toward current business activities, is a necessary step in meeting future demands for entities who expect to be around for generations. Being progressive may be challenging for most entities who believes just doing something is equivalent to doing their absolute best. What set’s DAMAPATI YOGA™ apart, in being a necessity, is the approach of redefining self management. CLICK THE ABOVE BANNER TO ENTER DAMAPATI YOGA
The following thoughtful commentary was provided by: Today’s Solution Consultant Services
A vision is your mental picture of future success. It’s what you imagine your business to be in three, five, or ten years. What business do you see yourself in? What will your sales volume be? Products? Number of locations? Organization? Global integration? These questions figure prominently in the “mind’s eye” of every business leader who struggles with the future. Your vision is heavily influenced by your values, ambitions, personality, and needs. A well-defined vision shows where your business is headed and defines your desires. It triggers a new direction for the organization and gives it meaning and purpose.
When it is properly articulated throughout an organization, a vision moves a business toward its actualization. A vision is the leader’s definition of her own leadership. It’s very personal, and it motivates the leader to project her passion and determination throughout the organization.
If vision is the end, then it is passion that drives leaders to develop goals, and then actions, to achieve that end. Visions come from open minds, not from those trapped inside old paradigms. They’re built upon learning as much as upon the results the leader wants to see.
When a vision has been developed with the involvement of key members of an organization, it has a greater chance of becoming reality. It becomes a shared vision, and those responsible for its realization are more likely to adopt it. Since a vision always involves change, it will meet with organizational resistance if a leader does not share the process of developing it.
To lead your business without a vision is not leadership. At best, it encourages mediocrity. At worst, your business will fade away when compete Change will be institutionalized, and for a leader to be successful, he will have to encourage all his followers to be leaders too. There will be no time for division of leadership and managerial skills in the future.
Consequently, 50 Steps to Business Success crosses the traditional boundaries of leadership and management and, at times, interchanges the terminology. This will horrify traditional thinkers. But those who do not move in this direction will see their organizations decline as change comes at an even faster rate. By doing so, he defined what his leadership would be about. Atlantic would shift its corporate culture from one of contentment with marginal growth to a dynamic, aggressive industrial paint supplier — a company reignited, one that would strive for growth and plant modernization. Goals and action plans were then developed to move the company closer to that vision in each of the next five years.
Enhancing Performance:
In the early days of a business you are likely to be highly motivated,cwhich will drive you to work very hard. If you are not motivated you should seriously consider why you’ve launched your own business. Having said that, racking up the hours alone doesn’t mean you are performing to your maximum. If you are working long hours, make sure the effort you are putting in is as effective as possible, and that you are not wasting your time. So look at how you are spending your time during the day, and work out just how much of it is actually being spent productively. Then think of ways that you may be able to do certain tasks more effectively. For example, if you are spending a long time doing an essential, but rather repetitive or highly intense activity, there will be a maximum period when you will be at your most productive before you become jaded and distracted and your performance levels starts to fall off. Try to recognize when this occurs and recharge your batteries by taking a short break and then switching to another task, returning to the original work with more vim and vigour later on.
A great way to monitor the time you are spending on each task is by completing a time sheet for yourself. This is simply a sheet of paper (or you can do it on a spreadsheet on your computer) divided into the days of the week under which you write the times between which you have been working on a particular job, and the nature of that work, building up a list throughout the day.
Many companies use time sheets not only to ensure their people are spending their time productively and to keep on top of which projects they have been working on, but also to assess the time – and therefore cost – spent in terms of person-hours on certain jobs, to inform decision making and assist customer costings.
‘In the early days of a business you need to put the hours in to make it work, but you also need to analyses the quantity and quality of what you do in the day,’ says David Broad, management consultant at M2R. Broad also recommends networking as a great way to gain the necessary insight to improve your performance levels. ‘Managers in larger companies have to motivate their staff, while in very small businesses often the owner just has to motivate themselves,’ he points out. ‘Going on a course or networking helps you to find a group of people who are all speaking your language, and can help enormously.’ Networking can help to direct your motivation towards properly defined goals, and generate more business too.
‘Keep in touch with other businesses and find out how they’ve managed to keep things fresh and meet their targets,’ counsels
Oakley. ‘Exchanging views can inspire new ideas that apply to your business and may be proven winners.’
The above thoughtful commentary was provided by: Today’s Solution Consultant Services
Following this brief introductory regarding PATENT’S, TRADEMARKS & COPYRIGHTS is a One Stop List of Links that have been compiled to provide you direct access to official brochures covering all of the major Intellectual Property categories.
Reminder: No information contained on this site should be construed as Legal Advice. This site DOES NOT provide Legal Advice!
All of the information and links provided herein are for educational resources only. Although the following information are quotes from official resources, accuracy of the information following information should be checked and verified against the most current information provided by said resources to insure that you acquiring the most valid and recently updated information in that all of the information provided via official sources are always subject to modification. For most timely, accurate and up-to-date information, researchers should always refer to the officially published source material to insure their receipt of the most accurate and current information available.
- noun Law |??n(t)??l?k(t)?(?w)?l ?pr?p?rdi|
a work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark, etc.
- noun |?patnt|
a government authority to an individual or organization conferring a right or title, esp. the sole right to make, use, or sell some invention: he took out a patent for an improved steam hammer.
- noun |?tr?d?märk|
a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.
• a distinctive characteristic or object: it had all the trademarks of a Mafia hit.
- noun |?käp??r?t|
the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same: he issued a writ for breach of copyright | works whose copyrights had lapsed.
• a particular literary, artistic, or musical work that is covered by copyright.
protected by copyright: permission to reproduce photographs and other copyright material.
verb [ with obj. ]
secure copyright for (material).
We’ll provide our more comprehensive explanation of the above terms in reverse order for reasons that may become more clear as we go forward.
“COPYRIGHTS” unlike Patents are not granted nor bestowed by the Government. And, although And And, although copyrights may not be thought of the most powerful of the the tree Intellectual Property category, it may in practicality very well be. Some what of an amusing way to think of and aid in remembering and appreciate how and why Copyrights hold the enormous power they do can be explained with this short illustration: If an artist paints a picture upon the side of the cow, the artist has at that point in time establish his or her copyrights. What! You might ask. You see the reason why this short illustrative mental visualization works so well is because it sustainably places the basic facts regarding Copyrights in your mind one you understand that “AFFIXING AN IDEA TO A MEDIUM ESTABLISHES COPYRIGHT”.
Everything Which Comes Into Being Begins As An Idea (ALL IS MIND)
Your thoughts are your own. Appreciating that the term “An Original Idea” means that The Idea Came Forth Into Being From Specified Origin; “the mind” of an individual or collective which Originated the idea. “AFFIXING” the idea to a medium simply means that the idea was placed upon or “AFFIXED TO” another item (which is called a medium) which serves as proof of its actual existence as (after being “AFFIXED) now more than simply an idea, concept or thought. So, . . . back to the COW! The cow in the photo is “THE MEDIUM” or the thing or item upon which the artist’s rendering of the land masses of the world have been rendered or “AFFIXED”.
Immediately upon the moment when the thought (in the mind of the artist) is made manifest or “AFFIXED” into the realm of this physical reality as in the manner in which the medium provides proof of that event (the thought becoming reality) having occurred, copyright and ownership are established.
Going forward . . . The artist could have very well just as easily painted the words to a short story, screen play, a poem or number one rap song destined to go platinum, or blueprint for the next big idea to make a GAZILLION BUCKS and change the face of the world as we know it. Whatever the original though may have been. Once a facsimile of that particular idea has been transferred from the mind of its creator into the (so called) “real” world, Intellectual Property Rights have been established. And now, as “property”, belongs to its originator. The idea now has an actual computable monetary value separate and distinct from the medium upon which it has been “AFFIXED” to. Did I mention government anywhere? Nope! So now you can see, understand and appreciate why establishing copyrights has nothing to do with the government. So what is the function of the Copyright Office you might ask. The Library of Congress’ Copyright Office is simply a depository; a Recordation Resource Facility, facilitating a resource in which to house for safe keeping governmentally verified record of your “CLAIM” to the rights you have establish through the action of having brought whatever concept it may have been into actual fruition. The copyright Application is not a request to receive copyrights, it is a request to have your proof of copyrights registered. The “application” is for all intent and purpose a Writ of Particulars in which you are requesting be certified and held should you in the future ever have a need to verify the or show proof of the DATE of your creations manifestation. The FILING DATE of your claim is certified as part of the application recordation process. This establishes what may be used as commonly accepted means of proof that you are the properties true creator, property owner. Filing a copy of the original along with your statement of claim (application) establishes a government secured record denoting proof of origin. So Rapper, you may want to consider being careful free-styling in public without ensuring that you are in some manner recording your performances. The lyrical expressions that you are creating anything until such time that the performance is recorded in some manner to a medium. Be it a video, audio recording or written on the side of a cow, the ideas you express are not considered established as being tangible (real to the touch) until such time that they have been “AFFIXED” to a medium. With that said:
In addition to the Copyright Office’s electronic filing systems, copyright applications can also still be filed by mail. When filing electronically one of the most important things to remember is to make sure you use the proper filing formats as indicated below. Because some of the following links have been designed and structured to take you to further resources which may be away from DigiPraise, be sure to BOOK MARK to avoid difficulty in finding your way back to
Copyright Office Forms
Primary Registration MethodRegistration with Electronic Copyright Office (eCO)To file a claim to copyright in your work, it is recommend you use the Copyright Office online system. Before using the service, we recommend you first read eCO Acceptable File Types, eCO Tips, eCO FAQs, or eCO Tutorial (PowerPoint) eCO Tutorial (PDF). Advantages include:
Processing Time: The time the Copyright Office requires to process an application varies, depending on the number of applications the Office is receiving and clearing at the time of submission and the extent of questions associated with the application. Visit The LOC For Current Processing Times.
Alternate Registration Methods
1) Registration with Paper Forms
The fees for a basic registration using one of these forms is $65 payable by check or money order. Form CON (continuation sheet for applications) is also still available in paper. Paper forms are also available by postal mail upon request mail.
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Sound Recordings
Single Serials
2) Registration with Fill-In Form CO
Form CO, which replaces Forms TX, VA, PA, SE, and SR. Simply complete Form CO on your personal computer, print it out, and mail it along with a check or money order and a copy(ies) or your work. The fee for a basic registration on Form CO is $50.
Note: Form CO cannot be used for group registrations. Visit the LOC for more info regarding group registration forms.
Copyright Office application forms are available in PDF format and must be viewed with version 8 or higher of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program.
Form CO
Form CO Instructions
Important Note: Please inspect your printed form to confirm that 2-D barcodes like the one below appear on each page. The barcodes must appear clearly and be free of any distortions, smudges, or fading. If such problems appear and cannot be corrected after checking your printer, do not submit the form.
For more information visit The Library of Congress on the web.
The following pertains to Trademarks
Trademarks are another matter entirely ! Obtaining a Trademark is a much more complicated process then obtaining a Copyright “Registration” notices. Trademark Registrations (unlike Copyrights as described above) ARE Granted or Bestowed to applicants following a USPTO Trademark Examiner’s thorough search, review, study and evaluation of findings.
Reminder: No information contained on this site should be construed as Legal Advice. This site DOES NOT provide Legal Advice!
All of the information and links provided herein are for educational resources only. Although the following information are quotes from official resources, accuracy of the information following information should be checked and verified against the most current information provided by said resources to insure that you acquiring the most valid and recently updated information in that all of the information provided via official sources are always subject to modification. For most timely, accurate and up-to-date information, researchers should always refer to the officially published source material to insure their receipt of the most accurate and current information available.
What is a trademark?
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others.
What is a service mark?
A service mark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than goods. The term “trademark” is often used to refer to both trademarks and service marks.
What is a patent?
A patent is a limited duration property right relating to an invention, granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in exchange for public disclosure of the invention. For more information, click here.
What is a copyright?
A copyright protects works of authorship, such as writings, music, and works of art that have been tangibly expressed. For more information, contact the U.S. Copyright Office (a division of the Library of Congress).
What is a certification mark?
A certification mark is any word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof owned by one party who certifies the goods and services of others when they meet certain standards. The owner of the mark exercises control over the use of the mark; however, because the sole purpose of a certification mark is to indicate that certain standards have been met, use of the mark is by others.
What is a collective membership mark?
A collective membership mark is any word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof which indicates that the user of the mark is a member of a particular organization. The owner of the mark exercises control over the use of the mark; however, because the sole purpose of a membership mark is to indicate membership, use of the mark is by members.
What is a collective mark?
A collective mark is any word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof owned by a cooperative, an association, or other collective group or organization and used by its members to indicate the source of the goods or services.
Where can I get basic trademark information?
For information about applying for a trademark, click Basic Facts About Trademarks, and view the trademark videos that cover important topics and critical application filing tips. To understand what to expect in the overall process, view the timelines for trademark processing. If you still have questions, contact the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199.
Must I register my trademark?
No. You can establish rights in a mark based on use of the mark in commerce, without a registration. However, owning a federal trademark registration on the Principal Register provides several important benefits.
What are the benefits of federal trademark registration?
Owning a federal trademark registration on the Principal Register provides several advantages, including:
- Public notice of your claim of ownership of the mark;
- A legal presumption of your ownership of the mark and your exclusive right to use the mark nationwide on or in connection with the goods/services listed in the registration;
- The ability to bring an action concerning the mark in federal court;
- The use of the U.S. registration as a basis to obtain registration in foreign countries;
- The ability to record the U.S. registration with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Service to prevent importation of infringing foreign goods;
- The right to use the federal registration symbol ® and
- Listing in the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s online databases.
Do federal regulations govern the use of the designations “TM” or “SM” or the ® symbol?
If you claim rights to use a mark, you may use the “TM” (trademark) or “SM” (service mark) designation to alert the public to your claim of ownership of the mark, regardless of whether you have filed an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). However, you may only use the federal registration symbol “®” after the USPTO actually registers a mark, and not while an application is pending.
Should I have an attorney?
You are not required to hire an attorney, but if you decide to prepare and submit your own application, you must comply with all requirements of the trademark statutes and rules and may be required to respond to legal issues raised by the USPTO. Because the application process can be complex, many applicants choose to appoint an attorney to represent them. If you choose to appoint an attorney, we will only communicate with your attorney. The USPTO cannot help you select an attorney.
Is registration guaranteed and can I get a refund of money paid?
Registration is not guaranteed and only money paid when not required may be refunded. For information on why registration may be refused, see Basic Facts About Trademarks.
Should I conduct a search for similar trademarks before filing an application?
It is advisable to conduct a search before filing your application. See TESS TIPS for further information.
Where can I conduct a trademark search for trademarks in pending applications and federal registrations?
You may search the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database free of charge before filing or you may wish to hire an attorney to perform the search and assess the results for you. Alternatively, you can search the database at a Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL). Information about PTDL locations can be found here.
Will the Office conduct a search for me?
The USPTO cannot search your mark for you prior to filing. After filing, the USPTO will conduct a search and will refuse to register your mark if there is another registered or pending mark similar to yours.
Where can I find trademark forms?
You can find USPTO forms through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). Two forms are available for the initial application: regular TEAS and TEAS Plus. Both forms allow you to pay by credit card, electronic funds transfer, or through an existing United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) deposit account.
If you do not have Internet access, you can access TEAS at any Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) throughout the United States. Many public libraries also provide Internet access.
We recommend using TEAS, but you may file a paper application. To obtain a printed form, call the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199.
What is the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)?
The Trademark Electronic Application System allows you to fill out and file an application form online, paying by credit card, electronic funds transfer, or through an existing USPTO deposit account. TEAS can also be used to file other documents including a response to an examining attorney’s Office action, a change of address, an allegation of use, and post registration maintenance documents.
Where do I send mail or make deliveries?
Although we recommend you file documents online using TEAS, paper mail may be sent to the following address: Commissioner for Trademarks, P.O. Box 1451, Alexandria, VA 22313-1451.
Submissions sent using other delivery services such as Federal Express, United Parcel Service, and DHL is not encouraged, but if used, must be delivered to: Trademark Assistance Center, Madison East, Concourse Level Room C 55, 600 Dulany Street Alexandria, VA 22314.
Who may file an application?
Only the owner of the trademark may file an application for registration. The owner controls the use of the mark, and controls the nature and quality of the goods to which it is affixed, or the services for which it is used. The owner may be an individual, corporation, partnership, LLC, or other type of legal entity.
May a minor file a trademark application?
The question of whether an application may be filed in the name of a minor depends on your state’s law. If the minor may validly enter into binding legal obligations, and may sue or be sued, in the state in which he or she is domiciled, the application may be filed in the name of the minor. Otherwise, the application must be filed in the name of a parent or legal guardian, clearly setting forth his or her status as a parent or legal guardian. An example of the manner in which the applicant should be identified in such cases is: “John Bey, ______________ citizen [ entering in the blank the information as would be appropriate or correct ], (parent/legal guardian) of Mary Bey.” [MOORS: STUDY, STUDY, STUDY]
Must I be a U.S. citizen to obtain a federal registration?
As of the date this information was harvested the answer to this question is No. It should also be noted that information regarding your Citizenship must however be provided in the application which will subsequently in turn be printed on the certificate of registration. [MOORS: STUDY, STUDY, STUDY]
What is the difference between “use in commerce” and “intent to use” in commerce?
The basic difference between these two filing bases is whether you have used the mark on all the goods/services. If you have already used your mark in commerce, you may file under the “use in commerce” basis. If you have not yet used your mark in commerce, but intend to use it in the future, you must file under the “intent to use” basis. An “intent to use” basis will require filing an additional form and fee that are unnecessary if you file under “use in commerce.”
What is a specimen?
A specimen is a sample of how you actually use the mark in commerce on your goods or with your services. A specimen shows the mark as your purchasers encounter it in the marketplace (e.g., on your labels or on your website).
What is a drawing?
The “drawing” is a clear image of the mark applicant seeks to register. The USPTO uses the drawing to upload the mark into the USPTO search database and to print the mark in the Official Gazette and on the registration certificate. There are two types of drawings: “standard character” and “special form.” For more information on the different types of drawings see Basic Facts About Trademarks.
Can you register the name of a musical group or band?
A band name may function as a service mark for “entertainment services in the nature of performances by a musical group” if it is used to identify live performances.
What can I do to help the application proceed as smoothly as possible?
1. File the application and all other documents electronically through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).
2. Carefully review all documents before filing to make sure all issues have been addressed and all the necessary elements are included.
3. Authorize email correspondence and promptly inform the USPTO of any change in correspondence address, including your email address. This can be done through TEAS, available here.
4. Check the status of your application every 3-4 months using the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database. If the USPTO has taken any action, you may need to respond promptly. All USPTO actions are available for viewing using the Trademark Document Retrieval (TDR) database.
Is registration of my mark guaranteed?
No. The examining attorney will review the application and may issue refusals based on the Trademark Act of 1946, 15 U.S.C. §1051 et seq., or the Trademark Rules of Practice, 37 C.F.R. Part 2.
The most common reasons for refusing registration are because the mark is:
- Likely to cause confusion with a mark in a registration or prior application;
- Descriptive for the goods/services;
- A geographic term;
- A surname;
- Ornamental as applied to the goods.
For a discussion of these and other possible refusals, see Chapter 1200 of the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP).
The examining attorney may also issue requirements concerning, for example:
- The goods and services listed in the application;
- The description of the mark;
- The quality of the drawing;
- The specimens.
How can I check the status of my application?
Once you receive a serial number for your application, you can check the status of your application through the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can call the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 to request a status check. You should check on the status of your pending application every 3-4 months. If the USPTO has taken any action, you may need to respond promptly. All USPTO actions are available for viewing using the Trademark Document Retrieval (TDR) database.
How long will it take for my mark to register?
The total time for an application to be processed may be anywhere from almost a year to several years, depending on the basis for filing and the legal issues that may arise in the examination of the application. You may view the application processing timelines here.
How do I file a Statement of Use or Extension Request after the Notice of Allowance is issued?
The Applicant has six (6) months from the mailing date of the notice of allowance to file either a Statement of Use or an Extension Request.
If the applicant is using the mark in commerce on all of the goods/services listed in the notice of allowance, the applicant must submit a statement of use form, specimen and the required fee(s) within 6 months from the issue date the notice of allowance to avoid abandonment. Applicant cannot withdraw the statement of use; however, the applicant may file one extension request with the statement of use to provide more time to overcome deficiencies in the statement of use. No further extension requests may be filed.
If the applicant is not using the mark in commerce on all of the goods/services listed in the notice of allowance, the applicant must file an extension request form and the required fee(s) to avoid abandonment. The applicant must continue to file extension requests every 6 months calculated from the issue date of the notice of allowance until the statement of use is filed. A total of 5 extension requests may be filed.
If I filed based on an “intent to use” the mark, when must I allege actual use of the mark in commerce?
You must file your Allegation of Use either prior to the date the application is approved for publication or within six months after the Notice of Allowance is issued, unless a request for an extension of time is granted.
May I assign or transfer the ownership of my trademark to someone else?
Yes. A registered mark may be assigned and a mark for which an application to register has been filed may be assignable. Certain exceptions exist concerning the assignment of Intent-to-Use applications. Assignments may be recorded in the USPTO for a fee. For the guidelines for filing an assignment and the assignment form itself, click on Assignments or contact the Assignment Division at 571-272-3350.
How long does a trademark registration last?
The registration is valid as long as you timely file all post registration maintenance documents. You must file a “Declaration of Use under Section 8” between the fifth and sixth year following registration. In addition, you must file a combined “Declaration of Use and Application for Renewal under Sections 8 and 9” between the ninth and tenth year after registration, and every 10 years thereafter. For more information see Maintain/Renew a Registration.
Is a federal registration valid outside of the United States?
No. However, certain countries recognize a United States registration as a basis for filing an application to register a mark in those countries under international treaties. See TMEP Chapter 1000 and TMEP Chapter 1900 for further information.
What if someone else is using my registered mark on related goods and services?
You may challenge use of your trademark by someone else in several ways, depending on the factual situation. You should consider contacting an attorney specializing in trademark law. Local bar associations and phone directories usually have attorney listings broken down by specialties. Time can be of the essence. Click here for further information.
My spouse owned a trademark registration and has since died. Do I own it now?
Perhaps. Because this depends on state law, the USPTO cannot provide a definite answer for all factual situations. You should consider contacting an attorney. Local bar associations and phone directories usually have attorney listings. Click here for further information.
What are “common law” rights?
Federal registration is not required to establish rights in a trademark. Common law rights arise from actual use of a mark and may allow the common law user to successfully challenge a registration or application.
What is “interstate commerce”?
For goods, “interstate commerce” generally involves sending the goods across state lines with the mark displayed on the goods or the packaging for the goods. With services, “interstate commerce” generally involves offering a service to customers in another state or rendering a service that affects interstate commerce (e.g., restaurants, gas stations, hotels).
Will my information be public?
All data you submit to the USPTO, including your phone number, e-mail address, and street address, but not your credit card and banking information, is public record and is viewable on the Internet. Do not submit personal identifying information that is NOT required for a filing, such as a social security number or driver’s license number.
What are trademark monitoring and document filing services?
You may receive unsolicited communications from companies requesting fees for trademark-related services, such as monitoring and document filing. Although solicitations from these companies frequently display customer-specific information, including USPTO serial number or registration number and owner name, companies that offer these services are not affiliated or associated with the USPTO or any other federal agency.
May a trademark filing company represent me before the USPTO?
Only licensed attorneys may represent you before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). If you hire someone to represent you, he or she must be an attorney licensed to practice law in a U.S. state and be a member in good standing of the highest court of that state. Attorneys from other countries, except certain Canadian attorneys and agents representing Canadian filers, may NOT practice before the USPTO
The following documents will provide further details on the issue of Copyrights.
No. | Format | Circular Title |
1 | Copyright Basics | |
1 | Fundamentos de los Derecho Auto | |
1a | Text | United States Copyright Office A Brief History Introduction |
1b | Limitations on the Information Furnished by the Copyright Office | |
1c | Make Sure Your Application Will Be Acceptable | |
2 | Publications on Copyright | |
3 | Copyright Notice | |
4 | Copyright Office Fees | |
5 | How to Open and Maintain a Copyright Office Deposit Account | |
6 | Obtaining Access to and Copies of Copyright Records and Deposits | |
7b | “Best Edition” of Published Copyrighted Works for the Collections of the Library of Congress | |
7c | The Effects of Not Sending a Timely Reply to Copyright Office Correspondence | |
7d | Mandatory Deposit of Copies or Phonorecords for the Library of Congress | |
8 | Supplementary Copyright Registration | |
9 | Work Made For Hire Under the 1976 Copyright Act | |
10 | Special Handling | |
12 | Recordations of Transfers and Other Documents | |
14 | Copyright Registration for Derivative Works | |
15 | Renewal of Copyright | |
15a | Duration of Copyright | |
15t | Extension of Copyright Terms | |
21 | Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians | |
22 | How to Investigate the Copyright Status of a Work | |
23 | The Copyright Card Catalog and the Online Files of the Copyright Office | |
31 | Ideas, Methods, or Systems | |
32 | Blanks Forms and Other Works Not Protected by Copyright | |
33 | Computing and Measuring Devices | |
34 | Copyright Protection Not Available for Names, Titles, or Short Phrases | |
38a | International Copyright Relations of the United States | |
38b | Highlights of Copyright Amendments Contained in the URAA | |
40 | Copyright Registration for Works of the Visual Arts | |
40a | Deposit Requirements for Registration of Claims to Copyright in Visual Arts Material | |
41 | Copyright Claims in Architectural Works | |
44 | Cartoons and Comic Strips | |
45 | Copyright Registration for Motion Pictures Including Video Recordings | |
50 | Copyright Registration for Musical Compositions | |
55 | Copyright Registration for Multimedia Works | |
56 | Copyright Registration for Sound Recordings | |
56a | Copyright Registration of Musical Compositions and Sound Recordings | |
61 | Copyright Registration for Computer Programs | |
62 | Copyright Registration for Single Serial Issues | |
62a | Group Registration of Newspapers and Newsletters on Form G/DN | |
62b | Copyright Registration for Group of Serial Issues | |
64 | Copyright Registration for Secure Tests | |
65 | Copyright Registration for Automated Databases | |
66 | Copyright Registration for Online Works | |
73 | Compulsory License for Making and Distributing Phonorecords | |
74a | How to Make Statutory License Royalty EFT Payments via Wire | |
74b | How to Make Statutory License Royalty EFT Payments via ACH Credit | |
74c | PDF, Flash | How to Make Statutory License Royalty EFT Payments Using |
75 | The Licensing Division of the Copyright Office | |
92 | (Please see Copyright Law page.) | |
96 | (Please see Copyright Regulations page.) | |
100 | Federal Statutory Protection for Mask Works | |
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No. | Format | Factsheet Title |
SL 4 | Copyright Office Fees | |
SL 4a | Reconsideration of a Refusal to Register a Copyright, Mask Work, or Vessel Hull Claim | |
SL 4d | Calculating Fees for Record?ng Documents in the Copyr?ght Office | |
SL 4L | Copyright Office Licensing Division Service Fees | |
SL 6a | Placing an Order with the Records Research and Certification Section | |
SL 9 | Have a Question About Copyright Registration? | |
SL 9a | Call the Copyright Office Toll Free 1-877-476-0778 | |
SL 10 | Get It Quick over the Net | |
SL 10a | PDF, Text | Subscribe to NewsNet |
SL 30a | Changing Your Address with the Copyright Office | |
SL 35 | Registering a Copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office | |
SL 37 | Privacy: Copyright Public Records | |
SL 39 | Electronic Registration of Groups of Published Photographs | |
FL 100 | Text | International Copyright |
FL 100 | Text | Proteccion Internacional del Derecho De Autor |
FL 101 | Text | Pseudonyms |
FL 102 | Text | Fair Use |
FL 103 | Text | Useful Articles |
FL 104 | Text | Contribution to Collective Work |
FL 105 | Text | Copyright Registration of Music |
FL 106 | Text | Copyright Registration of Poetry |
FL 107 | Text | Copyright Registration of Photographs |
FL 108 | Text | Copyright Registration of Games |
FL 109 | Text | Books, Manuscripts, and Speeches |
FL 110 | Text | Group Registration for Automated Databases |
FL 119 | Text | Dramatic Works: Scripts, Pantomimes, and Choreography |
FL 122 | Text | Recipes |
FL 124 | Text | Group Registration of Published Photographs |