I hope you will find the following video short of interest:
There’s no longer any need to LOOK, SOUND or REMAIN Local!
Prior to proudly Proclaiming my Moorish Heritage and creating Moor Media and its ProAudio Recording Studio and Mastering House, I was founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of USAudio, Inc
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. (EMMY Award Winning Pro-audio & Multimedia Productions) under-which the following Demo Reel was Produced.
With the exception of only two brief audio clips (3-4 seconds) all aspects of the following Demo Reel (“MUSIC INCLUDED”) was exclusively created, mixed and mastered by Jonathan Bey (EMMY Award Winning Producer independent of any assistant computer programmers, artists, musicians or audio or multimedia producers. In addition to the creation of all of the original National Quality graphics, film, video and sound production, my expertise and practical real-world experience as a professional in the field of Intellectual Property Law (Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights) as well as Urban, Rural and National Media Promotions will provide you the perfect blend of technical professionalism and creative know-how to keep your budget requirements reasonable, while ensuring top quality as our end result each and every project. If you see something you like or inspires you while reviewing the following demo, feel free to give me a call so we can talk over your idea and about how I may best serve and meet the needs of your new or growing Business.
We’re standing by to get started on your next big idea!
(352) 281-3196
We Create Designer DocuMercials
What exactly is a DocuMercial? The best way is by showing you. The following DocuMercial was commissioned by local Gainesville, FL company “Dream Day Cakes”; a small Moms & Pops bakery which hired our 100% Moorish Owned & Operated Multimedia Production Company because we are the best at what we do! As you will see from the following presentation, DocuMercials differ from “Infomercials” in that our productions’ gold is not not trying to sell a product or service. DocuMercials affords its viewer a real opportunity of getting to know not only the product and service, but also the company’s owner “Devoid of The Sales Pitch”. With it being a well known fact that people are far more likely to purchase a product or service from someone they “KNOW AND LIKE”. That’s exactly what our DocuMercials do!
After viewing, give us a call at (352) 283-3023 so we can start working on yours right away!